Welcome to the NGSP Web Site
The purpose of the NGSP is to standardize Hemoglobin A1c test results to those of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) which established the direct relationships between HbA1c levels and outcome risks in patients with diabetes.
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The Relationship Between HbA1c and Estimated Average Glucose (eAG)
More about the DCCT | More about the UKPDS
Convert between NGSP, IFCC and eAG
We have added a tool for converting between NGSP(%), IFCC (mmol/mol) and eAG (mg/dL) units. Click here...
Interferences with HbA1c Measurements
Factors that can result in falsely elevated or lowered HbA1c results include hemoglobin variants and conditions which affect red cell lifespan. Read more...
CAP 2024c Summary Report
The summary report for the CAP 2024 GH5c proficiency survey is now available. Download...
Increase in NGSP Certification Prices
NGSP laboratory and manufacturer certification costs have increased.
HbA1c is now a CLIA-regulated Analyte
The new CMS rule will impact HbA1c proficiency testing. Read more...